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MainConnect NewslettersVancouverSeptember 2018 Vancouver Newsletter


September 2018 Vancouver Newsletter

Welcome to the Vancouver Campus September Newsletter. Are you registered for the upcoming Graduation Ceremony? Join us to celebrate your excellent accomplishment and please feel free to reach out to us for more details.


 Vancouver Career College BC Grad Ceremony 2018
October 20, 2018

The Graduation Ceremony will be on Saturday, October 20, 2018, at 4:30pm at the Calvary Worship Centre, Surrey.


Welcome to Our New Students!

Welcome to Vancouver Career College! Your student ID card is ready for pick up at the reception on the 11th floor.

Register for Grad Ceremony 2018

Contact your Employment Specialist at 604 915-9675 for more details.

HMD Guest Speaker

Mark Finn, Clef d’Or Concierge, at Rosewood Hotel Georgia came over to our campus to give a speech to our Hospitality Management students. Our students were impressed and inspired by his life and career stories. Thank you so much, Mark!