Location: Vancouver Halloween Parade & Expo
Address:800 Robson St.Vancouver, BC V6Z 2E7
October 12th is a thanksgiving holiday and VaCC, Surrey campus will be closed. If you have any urgent matter to address with any of our staff and, faculty members please email or call us for the same. Our team will try their best to get in touch with you right away.
Location: Vancouver Halloween Parade & Expo
Address:800 Robson St.Vancouver, BC V6Z 2E7
Happy thanksgiving day everyone !
These days there is a popular trend ongoing on social media. People are posting memes, which portray important messages by rephrasing what some of the TV characters would have said. The content usually has a sarcastic tone to it. Since these messages are in a light mood, the audience is usually amused and not offended by these memes.
Diversity is an important topic that is in the news every now and then. We have people from different ethnicities and background who live and work with each other. With growing migration, it is all the very more important to preserve our relationships and for our leaders to develop harmonious relationships with each other.
Tip : Be careful when opening bottles for wine or carbonated drinks.
Did you know bears can smell food from miles away and they have excellent vision too ?
Here a wonderful picture of the buiding right next to gateway skytrain station in which VaCC, Surrey college is located.
In England, during the 1880’s upper-class and society women changed into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o’clock.
Government of British Columbia has made provisions to encourage youth to finish their school and / or pursue higher education like a college degree or a university program. Our college welcomes students who are interested in going to school and who need financial assistance for the same.
Quote of the month
Also called Chinese bellflower.
Scientific name: Platycodon grandiflorus
This program is designed for people who wish to support children's intellectual, physical, and emotional growth. Primarily children are of age’s infant to twelve.
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