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MainConnect NewslettersSurreyJuly 2020 Surrey Newsletter


July 2020 Surrey Newsletter

"When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming." — Dory


Canada Day Celebrations
July 1, 2020

Location: Canada Place and surrounding city streets. The event includes :

  • Kids’ Zone
  • Picnic Plaza with picnic tables and family-friendly activities
  • Fireworks Show


1st July holiday

Canada day is a Statutory Holiday and campus is closed. 

Plastic Free July

To support the cause use more reusable products such as glass jars, metal utensils, and use metal tin lunch boxes and containers for storage. 

Joke day :1st July

Celebrating Joke day this month. I hope this brought a laugh to your face.

Picnic month

When you get a chance, please go outside within the community and enjoy all the wonderful sights. One of the hot spots to go to is Victoria, which has many historical places to visit and see.

Social work program students on a sunny day

Here a lovely photo of Social Services worker program students and their instructor Anoop. 

Sand Dunes in Canada

Did you know sand dunes are in Athabasca Provincial Park in northwest Saskatchewan? They tend to go up to 30 metres high.


Canadian flag

The maple leaf in the middle of Canadian flag represents unity across the entire country- regardless of birthplace.

Please make time for yourself when you can.

July 28: World Hepatitis Day

Viral hepatitis is a group of infectious diseases known as hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E which affects millions of people worldwide, causing both acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) liver disease. So please get yourself checked if you face any symptoms that relate to this disease. Doctors recommend that after 30 people should get their medical tests done regularly. One of the primary functions of a liver is the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Office humor

Dog - A great company

Dogs are generally known for their loyaly and unconditional love. 

Communicative Disease and Non Communicative Disease

Communicative Disease - A communicable disease is an illness that can be contracted through contact with a human or animal, their discharges, or contaminated items carrying an infectious agent. 


Non Communicative Disease - A non-communicable disease (NCD) is a disease that is not transmissible directly from one person to another. 

Office humor

Feelings are important

It is important to recognize ones own feelings and express oneself well to be able to communicate and build connections with others.

Picture of our college, Computer lab , VaCC, Surrey