Our campus cupcake sale was able to raise $217 for our local food bank. Way to go Vancouver Career College Surrey! Thank you for your generosity. New fundraisers coming up very soon to raise money for the Katelem Youth Society.
Welcome to our very first campus newsletter, with summer officially upon us and the rain mostly gone, we have a lot of exciting new fundraisers coming up so stay tuned.
Don't forget your hats and sunscreen.
Our campus cupcake sale was able to raise $217 for our local food bank. Way to go Vancouver Career College Surrey! Thank you for your generosity. New fundraisers coming up very soon to raise money for the Katelem Youth Society.
We have many extraordinary students at our campus, But this month, three students received awards for potential Payroll Compliance Practitioner at the Pacific and National region levels. Way to go!
Our very own Brandie Yule, who has been in Admissions forever and is nothing short of amazing, is now BC's new Associate Director of Admissions. Way to go Brandie!
We would like to welcome two new faces to Vancouver Career College Surrey. Pia Baltazar is joining us for Student Services and Wendy Lintunen is our new Employment Specialist. Welcome to the team ladies.