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MainConnect NewslettersAbbotsfordMarch 2022 Abbotsford Newsletter


March 2022 Abbotsford Newsletter

As we embrace spring this March, let us all welcome a number of new events and contests happening this month at Vancouver Career College. This month we’ll focus on appreciating existing talent and embracing new talent online as well as offline.


International Women’s Day
March 8, 2022

On this International Women’s Day, Enter our Women's Day Contest for a chance to win two $10 Starbucks gift cards, one for you and one for the most inspirational woman in your life. Find contest details here.

Employee Appreciation Day
March 4, 2022

Employees are one of a company’s greatest assets. Recognition & appreciation are known as some of the key motivational factors in the workplace. Use this day to show them how great they are!

International Day Of Awesomeness
March 10, 2022

The easiest way to celebrate this day is to be AWESOME! You could get group of friends to perform feats of awesomeness with you or write a blog about someone you think epitomizes the ideals of awesomeness.

Saint Patrick’s Day
March 17, 2022

St. Patrick’s Day observes of the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. The holiday has evolved into a celebration of Irish culture with parades, special foods, music, dancing, drinking and a whole lot of green.


Women’s History Month

This Women's History Month we want to share some of the most influential Canadian women.
Learn more about how Grace Annie Lockhart, Emily Carr, Viola Desmond, and Margaret Atwood positively impacted Canadian society on our blog here.

Earth Hour

Do your part in saving the earth this month by participating in Earth Hour on March 26, 2022. Switch off your wifi, tv, or both and maybe go for a walk outside in the nature.


This year we want to appreciate the beautiful community by hosting a contest. Participants must tag the most inspirational woman in their life in the comment section of the contest post. Check out our social media for more details. 


Keep up with Campus Shenanigans by following our account on tik tok! If you post any from Campus please tag us too! @vancouvercareercollege 

Congratulations Nursing Graduates

Another amazing Cohort of talented, hardworking Practical Nurses are beginning their career. We celebrate and congratulate on your Graduation!

New Location for the Campus Vending Canteen

Our snack machine has a new home in the upstairs student lounge! The machine accepts cash, credit, and debit cards, so it is a great option when you need a little snack to fuel the rest of your day. 

Free Books

Our student services recently went through our archive of textbooks and found some books that are no longer needed by the campus. Students are welcome to take any books they want to keep; they are sitting on a table near the reception desk.

Women’s Day Contest

Celebrate International Women’s day with us, by sharing the most influential women in your life, who inspire you to become a better person from the inside, out. This Women’s day you and your inspiration can get a $10 Starbucks gift card on us! Enter on one of our social channels for a chance to win. Find more details here.