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MainConnect NewslettersAbbotsfordSeptember 2020 Abbotsford Newsletter


September 2020 Abbotsford Newsletter

While the days are getting hotter, and start to feel never ending. Don't forget to social distance with the people around you, stay safe and stay protected while out doing your favorite hobbies. Don’t let this pandemic bring you down, there are still lots of ways you can stay active and healthy while also staying away from other people. Take up a new hobby; creative writing, painting or try out that new recipe you’ve been putting off! Take this time to expand your thoughts. Watch and learn about what's going on in the world, learn more about yourself and your family. Make time for you. 


National College Colors day
September 4, 2020

Show us your School spirit by sending us your best outfit in your Red and Yellow colors!

Labour Day
September 7, 2020

Labour day is September 7th! Enjoy your day off in the sun and spending the long weekend with your family, appreciate all of the hard work that you do and take a nice day to relax.

Virtual Open House
September 10, 2020

Join us from 4-5pm for our Virtual Open House! Register today.

PJ Day
September 25, 2020

Come to class in your favorite pair of jammies! Show them off with style and send us some pics!

Orange Shirt Day
September 30, 2020

On September 30th, we wear orange shirts to remember those who attended residential schools and to recognize the strength of the residential school survivors. 


Wildlife Day: 4th

Take a moment to look around you, take a deep breath and enjoy the world we live in. Explore the fascinating things that the world has to give.

National Read a book day: 6th

There are so many great genres, how could you choose a favourite!

World First Aid Day: 12th

World First Aid day, has been celebrated since 2000 when It was created by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The term refers to the assistance given to anyone suffering a sudden injury or illness.

International Day of Peace: 21st

"Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace." http://internationaldayofpeace.org/

National Nutrition Week

September 1st-7th

Use this week to better yourself and become healthier than you already are. Motivate people in your community to be more nutritionally aware! Some Nutrition tips that can help you out are:

  • To Include Fruits and Vegetables in your diet
  • Do Breathing Exercises Before Meals
  • Proper Chewing Methods
  • And Consume Protein and Dairy Products.

International Charity Day

September 5th

Why Celebrate International Charity Day?

It Reminds us to give back, It spreads Awareness, and It helps us find causes we believe in

How to Celebrate:

Donate Funds to Charity, Volunteer, and Attend a charity event

Zodiacs Of September

Virgo and Libra

Virgo is a Mutable Sign August 23- September 22, complacent and easy going, while Libras September 23- October 22 are a Cardinal Sign, they can be gentle, guiding the relationship without crossing a line.

COVID-19 Update

With the hot weather has started to roll in, Covid cases are rising more than the past couple months. Canada has had many recoveries and also many deaths, please keep doing your part in stopping the spread. Look at http://www.covid-19canada.com/ for your daily Covid updates.