Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The demand for home healthcare options is on the rise across Canada. As the senior population grows, so does the need for certain resources relating to their care, and the city of Vancouver is looking at different approaches to public healthcare.
Canadians are living longer than they were at any other time in the nation's history, but lifestyle changes may see people developing age-related ailments faster than previous generations, the Vancouver Sun reports. Experts predict that more than 22 percent of the population will be age 65 or older by 2031 and more than 25 percent by 2061, creating further demands on the healthcare system. As this group ages and the stress on the healthcare industry grows, the demand for home care or community care resources will increase.
According to data from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, the number of home and community care services has declined by 14 percent since 2001. Despite this decrease, more than 1,100 patients are still sent home from hospitals to receive palliative home care in and around the city, the Vancouver Observer reports.
Improving home care options would have a domino effect on many other aspects of the healthcare industry in the nation. The news source reports that hospital wait times would be decreased as a result of home care and community centres while also saving public facilities money.
One step toward creating new options for home and community care is educating individuals who want to become practical nurses, health care assistants and other key professions in the healthcare sector.
For those who want to help others, a good first step is to enroll in a one of the healthcare programs at Vancouver Career College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.