Alcohol dependency is one of the most prevalent addictions in the nation according to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Unfortunately, it can also be one of the most difficult diseases to control. Often sparking the onset of other conditions such as mental illness and anxiety disorders, the disease can be extremely harmful not to only the person afflicted but loved ones.
One way to treat alcohol dependency problems, according to medical researchers like Jurgen Rehm, Director of CAMH's Social and Epidemiological Research Department, is psychosocial treatment. Interventions, motivational therapy and cognitive-behavioral treatment would all classify as this form of treatment, and therapists should follow up with regular sessions to make sure that the care is working efficiently for the particular patient.
Medication is a form of treatment that many alcohol-dependent individuals opt not to use because they think they don't need it. When they are going through the withdrawal process, however, medical assistance may help them make it through the initial steps with slightly more comfort than going cold turkey.
One of the most successful and well-known systems of treatment is the 12-Step program. Rather than approaching alcoholism as a curable disease, this method works to help addicts manage their illness and keep it controlled. Learning to accept the disease and welcoming help to overcome it are some of the initial hurdles for those who start a 12 step program. Depending on where they live, they can rely on social workers and other professionals to help get through these tough first steps.
Some individuals cope best with alcohol dependency within a structured environment where they are surrounded by other individuals battling the same disease. Throughout Canada, there are numerous programs where a staff of addiction workers specializes in caring for individuals who cannot provide the right care for themselves. Instead, the afflicted individuals can rely on others to make sure that their well-being is cared for as efficiently as possible.
Those interested in pursuing a career helping individuals cope addictions can look into college programs like Addictions and Community Services Worker at Vancouver Career College to prepare for a future in the community services sector. For more information on these particular healthcare courses, fill out the form on the right.