Monday, April 30, 2012
Today, people may tend to change careers several times throughout their lives. This trend could potentially be good for their health, as staying tied to one particular job can lead to burnout and emotional exhaustion, according to a new study out of Montreal.
According to the study, which compiled data from 260 professionals across Canada, many workers felt a sense of obligation or debt to their present company that, over time, became emotionally draining. Other workers felt that they had no other job alternative in the marketplace, which further increased the likelihood of professional burnout.
Many employees who wish to shift from the finance sector to the healthcare field may feel that the opportunity is too hard to grasp. With a little extra training and enrollment in career programs, a job as a practical nurse can be a part of their future. One expert who led the study suggests that investments in skills-based training can lead to happier and more fulfilling lives for workers.
Those who wish to start a healthcare career can enroll in programs like Practical Nursing at Vancouver Career College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.