Thursday, April 19, 2012
Practical nurses in Newfoundland have launched a new campaign with the hopes of bringing greater awareness about the profession and what makes them integral parts of the healthcare field, according to The Northern Pen.
The campaign will help inform people that practical nurses are highly qualified professionals with educational backgrounds consisting of healthcare industry knowledge and practicum experience. It also strives to promote the fact that PNs are identified as nurses.
By taking on more duties typically reserved for registered nurses, practical nurses can further demonstrate their capabilities in the field and prove their worth to those who may have underestimated them in the past. The second stage of the campaign, which is already in progress, hopes to bring increased attention to workers in the field and potentially enticing more individuals to follow this career path as well.
Students interested in being a vital contributor to British Columbia's healthcare system can enroll in the Practical Nursing program at Vancouver Career College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.